Ask for further information on any of these.
* Class and Model user-defined fields can be used for list views at the equipment and work order levels.
* Class and Model links can be viewed in the equipment links.
* The User table is now used for iRequestManager and Web Dashboards.  The Employee file is no longer used for these features.
* iRequestManager now offers an equipment list.

We recommend running recalculation of work order related information after a months work has been completely entered and before it is reported.
What does it do - Recalculate work orders reprocesses all services as if they were removed and re added in date and time order.  This has the affect of being sure all current rules are applied and all dates are updated correctly.  In theory, this may have no effect on data.  But in the case where rules were changed and not applied correctly, or if a new update has been installed, it can make an important correction of data.   Changes to service code rules or equipment status settings would be examples of rules that would be applied correctly to work orders in the period recalculated.  There are also some special cases when the work order "overdue" flag will be set correctly by this function.
"Recalculate" option is under the "Manager" menu.

In this form, ensure that the first option "Recalculate Work Orders - related Information" is enabled.  You can select either of the related options "All Work Orders" or "Work Orders change on or after X".  Keep in mind that the first option will take a lot longer time to process as it will review all work orders in your database.  If you want to process a specific time forward, such as last month, you will select the second option and specify the first of the previous month.  The other options available on the Recalculate form can be left on or off as you deem necessary.  "Recalculate Average Time..." is also a good tool to run monthly.

Preemption of a scheduled work order - This feature causes a scheduled work order to be automatically closed as complete if the exact type of work schedule has already been completed.
How it works - The number of days (X) prior to the inspection period to be considered is set in Options.  If left at zero, this feature is disabled.  X is the value set by you, in Options -> Program Setup -> Scheduled Work Orders -> "Do not created Scheduled Work Orders if procedures was completed in last X days".  If the "Generate Preempted Inspection Work Orders" option is disabled, MediMizer X3 will skip the creation of any work order for a piece of equipment that has had an inspection code that satisfies all inspections types that would be due during the month.  If the options is enabled, it will create the work orders for the piece of equipment, BUT, the work orders will be marked as Closed and have text in the Service Request field noting that the work order was preempted by a prior work order.  Enabled is the best choice for most circumstances.

Concerns - If this feature is used, it is important to use service codes for inspection very specifically.  If an item is serviced in the window (X), and a service code is used that indicate a normally scheduled event was completed, that will cause preemption.  It is a good practice to have a service code to use for a less-complete or basic inspection after service.  "Checked Operation after Service" would be appropriate wording.  Such a code would not preempt a scheduled inspection.

* Installing on one server or multiple servers.
1. You can use one server or many.
2. One server makes management of MediMizer easier in some cases.
3. Multiple server allows each to perform its particular task well and for security to be appropriate for the function of the server.
4. Our servers are: (1) MS SQL Server, (2) network shared folder file server, (3) iRM Web Portal, and (4) Messaging Server.
5. If running MMS on the same server, be sure to set the check speed to something reasonable - like 5 minutes.  Having it 1 minute or 0 minutes (5 seconds) can eat up a lot of time.  There is a MMS config file in the main MM X3 folder that controls the check speed.  You must restart MMS in the Services control panel for the new speed to take effect.
6. For 25+ users, they may want to separate the SQL Server from the iRM web and MMS servers for speed.  And of course they may want to get SQL Server Standard or Enterprise edition instead of SQL Express.
7. We also support virtualization (VMware, Virtual Server, etc.).  So one approach to failover is have another physical server take over if one goes down.  One advantage of a virtual server is that allocated memory is actually available memory.  (On a regular server, available RAM varies a lot.)

If you have a crash, error or can not get in to your software, please email and/or call (US) 760-642-2008
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